What is All-on-4®?

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a restorative dental implant solution that offers a permanent, fixed alternative to dentures. All-on-4® involves the replacement of all teeth on only four dental implants to support the new, natural-looking teeth. Our innovative techniques and the use of superior materials help to overcome bone deficiencies and reduce the need for invasive and time-consuming bone grafts.

Compared to older treatment methods, All-on-4® not only reduces the number of implants required but increases the success rate and provides for simpler maintenance and easier cleaning.

Dental implants – small titanium fixtures inserted directly into the upper or lower jawbone – have long been the bedrock of any restorative dental procedure. They are used to support a single tooth or ‘bridge’ of teeth. This same principle works when we are required to replace a full set of teeth (a full-arch rehabilitation), but there is no need to place an implant under every single tooth. With the All-on-4® treatment, only two implants at the front and two at the back are required to secure and support the entire ‘bridge’ of prosthetic teeth.

Implants can be inserted at an angle which allows us to avoid sections of the jawbone with poor bone quality. As a result, there is no need for bone grafting and the entire healing process is expedited. You can have your new teeth fitted within 24 hours of the surgery. The All-on-4® treatment’s minimalist approach means fewer implants and more flexibility to design the best-tailored solution for you.

*Malo P, de Araújo Nobre M, Lopes A, Moss SM, Molina GJ. A longitudinal study of the survival of All-on-4 implants in the mandible with up to 10 years of follow-up. J Am Dent Assoc 2011;142:310-204

Better Patient Outcomes

Dr Andrew Welsh and the team at Geelong Dental Centre are committed to providing world-leading dental care following the clinically proven Malo Protocol. The practice has long been dedicated to bringing the latest innovations in dental treatments to residents of Geelong and the surrounding region.

Dr Welsh, who is Geelong-born and raised, has accumulated over 15 years experience in all aspects of dentistry, with profound knowledge and understanding of complex restorative treatments.

Geelong Team

Dr Andrew Welsh

Practice Principal

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for All-on-4 ® dental implants?

There are a number of factors that may affect your suitability for All-on-4® dental implants. To assess your individual situation and determine your suitability, a Next Smile Australia certified surgeon will carefully examine your dental health and discuss your overall health, utilising CT scans of your jawbone, digital impressions and photographic imaging, as well as your patient history.

Considering the results of your initial consultation and assessment, they will then recommend a tailor-made treatment solution that serves your needs and preferences. In rare cases, medical conditions can interfere with your suitability for dental implants. Should our team determine that you are not a candidate for All-on-4® based on health concerns, we will recommend alternative treatment options.

Why are dental implants a better alternative to dentures and bridges?

Dental implants and the All-on-4® treatment are by far the superior options for patients suffering from tooth loss, decay or severe gum disease. Dentures are difficult to wear and function with, bridges do not feel like natural teeth, can be damaged easily and require replacement over the years.

With Next Smile Australia All-on-4® treatment you’ll enjoy better outcomes in terms of functionality, look and feel. Compared to other treatment methods, All-on-4® also provides for simpler maintenance and easier cleaning of your dental implants and fixed teeth. You’ll be able to live life as you did before, chewing, biting and smiling with an entirely new, permanent set of natural-looking teeth.

All-on-4® allows for the treatment of complex cases that were previously too difficult, if not impossible to address. Our treatment approach gives us more flexibility to design the best-tailored solution for you.

How long does the All-on-4 ® Dental Implant procedure take?

Following your initial consultation with our experienced dental team to surgery with your chosen surgeon, your new teeth are fitted within 24 hours and often on the day of surgery!

Do dental implants last forever?

Dental implants are a permanent solution. But the long-term success of All-on-4® dental implants depends on you and your oral health habits. Unlike your natural teeth, dental implants will not be prone to tooth decay, but they still require you to keep up good oral hygiene and regular professional cleaning. With regular care, All-on-4® dental implants can last you a life-time.

What is the average cost of an All-on-4 ® Dental Implant procedure?

During an initial All-on-4® consultation, we’ll fully examine your dental health and outline the estimated treatment cost for you.

We know that the treatment price can be a barrier that keeps some of our patients from the smile that they deserve. Our clinics offer various funding arrangements and payment plan options to help you access All-on-4® treatment. For more details, please contact us.