Whether from disease, malnutrition or genetic disorders, sometimes it is necessary for us to extract some or all of a patient’s lower or upper teeth. While this can be devastating, partial or full dentures can provide a second chance at a beautiful smile.
Having complete dentures helps with chewing as well as support one’s facial structure and improves speech. Complete dentures can be fabricated and inserted following the removal of your few remaining teeth. However, if you need many teeth extracted at the same time you may need to have interim immediate dentures placed. Then when your gums and bone have had a chance to heal and remodel, you can have your custom fitted final dentures fabricated.
Sometimes, complete dentures are not necessary. In situations where you have some sturdy teeth remaining then partial dentures can be made to replace the teeth that you have lost. Partial dentures achieve adequate retention and stability by being clasped to the teeth next to the areas where others have been extracted or are missing.
New materials and technology provides you many options when it comes to dentures. At Geelong Dental Centre we can offer you the latest in flexible dentures and cosmetic clasps so that you can smile with complete confidence.